Our Story, From Sea To Table


It all began in Morocco, the town of Safi

The wave-crashing shores of Safi, where a morning stroll by the sea shores of the majestic city was a culinary journey unto itself. Fishmongers unpack their daily catches, and through open kitchen windows would drift the smell of centuries-old sardine recipes passed down from one generation to the next. Tastings after tastings, we can proudly say that we’ve mastered the perfect canned sardines, artisanally prepared and flavorful.

  • Safi - 1936s
  • UPA : Union des pêcheries Africaines

    Canned : Sardines-Maquerel-Tuna

    • Safi - 2008
    • ICC : International Canning Company

      Canned : Sardines-Maquerel-Tuna

    • Marrakech - 2012
    • Fatina Food

      Canned: Sardines-Maquerel-Tuna
      Semi canned: Anchovies